Saturday, December 15, 2012

Callback List

Hi Everyone,

We were so impressed with everyone's auditions, and our brains are working overtime right now trying to figure out what direction we're heading for this spring - there may be a few big surprises coming your way.....  We're excited to see how this all pans out!  Thank you all for putting such a great effort into your auditions - you should be proud of yourselves!

Below are the people we need to see for vocal, acting and dance callbacks on Monday 12/17 right after school.  We will get you out as soon as possible, but please plan to stay for the entire time just in case we need you.  Looking forward to seeing more from you.  Please remember that sometimes we are able to cast some roles without callbacks, so if you do not see your name on the list, it doesn't necessarily mean you weren't cast.  The full cast list should be posted before you leave for Christmas break.

Callback List
Terri Babst
Lauren Bauer
Olivia Bauer
Emil Berbakov
Danielle Bevan
Hailey Bozarth
Marie Brulenski
Rachel Campana
Maureen Clark
Gina Correale
Christopher Dern
Heather Gallagher
Madison Gillen
Maura Gricoski
Sean Heggan
Ryan Hennessey
Kate Kelly
Kaitlyn Krewson
Patrick Lawler
Gary Lumpkin
Ben McCloskey
Joe Morton
Jess Rimdzius
Sa’Quan Robinson
Evan Serratore
Pat Sidebotham
Julia Urban
Nadia Urena
Jackie Valori
Bridget Welsh
Joe Whelan
Eric White
Kate Wisniewski
Alexis Wyeth
Dance Callbacks
Sara Berner
Marie Brulenski
Hailey Bozarth
Joseph Fernandes
Madison Gillen
Kate Kelly
Kaitlyn Krewson
Melanie Longenhagen
Ashley McDonald
Meghan McGuffin
Jill Melville
Monica Pote
Caity Powell
Nadia Urena
Jackie Valori
Grace VanThuyne
Mary Kate Vogelman
Stephanie Vogelman
Alex Wallace
May Wallace

Please let Mariel or Stephanie know as soon as possible if you are unable to attend callbacks - inability to attend will impact casting decisions, so please make every effort to attend if your name is on the list.

See you Monday & best of luck to all of you! :)

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