Tuesday, January 29, 2013

This Week:
Wednesday: For character work and scene work Maura Gricoski, Lauren Bauer, and Sean Heggan, (Sean, you might have to sit around for a bit, but we'll get to you).

Thursday: All principal boys who are already called for sectionals. I will just pull you as I need you. You won't miss more than 15 minutes of your sectional each. 

Great work today, everyone. I know the "table work" character discussions can be tedious, but they'll pay off as we do scene work:)


Monday, January 28, 2013

RehearScore Download

Hey Folks,

If the installation disc didn't work on your computer, you can download the .exe file here.  Let me know if you still have a problem!  Sorry for the confusion!

Practice, practice, practice!

Pick-a-Little ladies, bring your character shoes tomorrow!

Pick-a-Little ladies, bring your character shoes tomorrow!

For EVERYONE at sectionals

For EVERYONE at sectionals: agree ahead of time who is bringing a laptop to run the reharscore during rehearsal. Someone has to have one with the program working on it for each day of sectionals.


Rehearsal Tuesday 1/29

Tomorrow I am calling the following people. If you are already present for a sectional, go to your sectional and I will pull you when necessary. We're doing more character discussion-type work, so bring your journals and be prepared to think. I will not be talking to all of you at the same time, so bring something else to do while you're waiting if you're not singing:

Sean Heggan, Joe Whelan, Kaitlyn Krewson, Madison Gillen, Hailey Bozarth, Terri Babst, Jess Rimdzius. 


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Music Man Solo Updates

Hey Everyone,

We've had to do some shifting around to cover some parts we lost, so please see below for the updated list of solos:

In "Rock Island":
Salesman #1 - Patrick Sidebotham
Salesman #2 - Jon Szynal
Salesman #3 - Alex McDonald
Salesman #4 - Viktoria O'Donnell
Salesman #5 - Joseph Morton
Newspaper Reader #1 - Alexis Wyeth
Newspaper Reader #2 - Heather Gallagher
Newspaper Reader #3 - Gina Correale

In "Iowa Stubborn":
Farmer - Patrick Sidebotham
Farmer's Wife - Marie Brulenski

In "Wells Fargo Wagon":
1st Voice - Patrick Sidebotham
2nd Voice - Emma Gilson
3rd Voice - Jon Szynal
4th Voice - Sara Berner
5th Voice - Brigid Craney
6th Voice - Monica Pote
7th Voice - Kate Kelly
8th Voice - Olivia Bauer
9th Voice - Rachel Baker
10th Voice - Caity Powell
11th Voice - Dakota Meredith


Friday, January 25, 2013

Thanks for this Week and Skype Appointments!

Thank you everyone for a great bunch of rehearsals this week! We've accomplished a lot. And thank you to all of you for double checking with me on your conflicts and making sure of when you're needed at rehearsal. It is much appreciated and shows that you have a great work ethic. Principals remember to email Steph tonight and set up your Skype appointment(s) so we can get you singing!


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Non-play related announcement for the parents!

Hi Parents!  We tragically forgot to mention at the parent meeting about the Philly Rock & Soul event being held at Wood on Feb 9!  It's a Valentine's Dinner & Dance being held from 630-1030pm (immediately preceded by a Valentine's mass at 530pm).  Cost is $35 per person or $65 per couple - includes dinner, beer & dessert - byob.  Contact Roseanne Lawler or Mary McDonald if you'd like to attend!  Should be a fun night out :)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Music Man Solos

Hi Folks,

As Mariel mentioned, there were a few additional solos/roles we needed to cast, and I am pleased to announce them now!

In "Rock Island":
Salesman #1 - Christopher Dern
Salesman #2 - Patrick Sidebotham
Salesman #3 - Jon Szynal
Salesman #4 - Alex McDonald
Salesman #5 - Viktoria O'Donnell
Newspaper Reader #1 - Alexis Wyeth
Newspaper Reader #2 - Heather Gallagher
Newspaper Reader #3 - Gina Correale

In "Iowa Stubborn":
Farmer - Patrick Sidebotham
Farmer's Wife - Marie Brulenski

In "Wells Fargo Wagon":
1st Voice - Patrick Sidebotham
2nd Voice - Emma Gilson
3rd Voice - Jon Szynal
4th Voice - Sara Berner
5th Voice - Brigid Craney
6th Voice - Monica Pote
7th Voice - Kate Kelly
8th Voice - Christopher Dern
9th Voice - Rachel Baker
10th Voice - Caity Powell
11th Voice - Dakota Meredith

Keep an eye on the Google Site - I will be posting music .pdfs there, and I will also be distributing Rehearscore discs soon so you can practice!  I'm expecting you all to be independent and learn your parts as much as you can before I come back, so I can make it beautiful music when I return! :)

Thanks for all of your hard work, everyone!  See you in February!


This Week

Hey gang! Hope you’re having a nice weekend!

Monday (tomorrow) after school I need all the principals to finish the read-through, then any principals in scenes with dialogue on pages 21-35 for blocking. That includes Scene 2 through the first half of scene 4. NOT songs. We aren’t blocking musical numbers this week. 

Tuesday blocking pages 38-64. Anything that’s dialogue. NOT LYRICS. 

Wednesday we will start blocking with page 65 and go forward into Act II blocking. Also without musical numbers.

Plan on your movie night being Thursday night the 17th starting at 5pm till around 8:30ish. Yes I know it’s a school night, but at least it’s towards the end of the week. Official confirmation will come from me tomorrow. And don’t ask about the 18th because the auditorium isn’t free. 

I have all the conflicts that you submitted when you auditioned. If you did NOT submit any conflicts, any time that you don’t come to rehearsal when called is counted as an unexcused absence. And some of you have those already. So submit your conflicts asap. 

If you have any questions, ask me before 7:30 tonight. After that I won’t be checking Facebook or email. 

Also any ensemble girls who need to see Mrs. Bonner for costumes, tomorrow is your last day. 



Wednesday, January 9, 2013


ALL ENSEMBLE GIRLS: Must be seen for costumes with Mrs. Bonner either tomorrow (Thursday) or Monday. 2:30 both days. 


Monday, January 7, 2013

Costume Fittings and Read-Through

Some Info!

1) Scripts will probably come later this week, so principles still keep all days after school this week open for a read-through and I will let you know as soon as they come. So be on call. 
2) COSTUME FITTING SIGN UPS for ensemble GIRLS ONLY are posted outside the activities office. Sign up for Tues-Thurs THIS WEEK or Monday of next week. Mrs. Bonner will only be taking a certain number of you per day, so don't add additional slots. 
3) The 11th was free for a movie night, but since a majority of you won't be able to make it, I'll most likely select a new date. Sooner rather than later.


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Movie Night Postponed

Hey gang, so I absolutely hate to do this, but I’m going to have to post-pone the movie night. Y’all saw that I was sick on Wednesday, and I’m quite worse now. I was holding out hoping I’d be better in time for tomorrow night, but it’s not gonna happen. Heading to the doctor tomorrow. Don’t want to get any of you sick (hosting a party at which I handle food and pizza is probably not the best idea). We will STILL have it.  Postponed, NOT canceled. I will get you the new date ASAP. Your pizza money will still go to use and the officers still need to collect it. Everyone enjoy your Friday night. Principles get your journals!


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Thursday Rehearsal

Tomorrow: Female principles come after school to get measured for costumes. As soon as you're measured you can leave. Read-through is not happening yet as we do not have scripts.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Bring Your Pizza Money

Hey gang, we're going to order pizza for the movie night on Friday, so bring in your pizza money at our meeting tomorrow (Wednesday). $2.00 per slice. So decide ahead how many slices you personally want, and bring the corresponding amount. There will also be sign ups for drinks, chips, etc. But DON'T post sign ups here on facebook. Just wait till tomorrow. Hope you all are having a marvelous break!
