Thursday, October 13, 2011

Updated Schedule

Hello Everyone!

The schedule below has been updated to reflect our plan of attack through the ENTIRE rehearsal period. Please note it is subject to change, and you are still expected to be available for every rehearsal date. Take special note of the FIRST DRESS REHEARSAL SCHEDULED FOR SATURDAY 11/26 - this is Thanksgiving weekend, and the rehearsal is MANDATORY!! You will not be permitted to participate in the show if you miss any of the dress rehearsals.

Below are links to reference materials. Please download them at your leisure :)

Historical Reference - Greek & Roman Comedies

Song List - Tells which characters are in each song. You will need to know this to read the rehearsal schedule.

Scene Breakdown - Tells which characters are in each scene, and which page numbers we have designated for each scene. You will need this to read the rehearsal schedule. Please note: acts are listed using roman numerals, and scenes are listed using arabic numerals. For example, II:3 means Act 2, Scene 3.

As always, you may email me with any questions: shall(at)archwood(dot)org

Happy Singing!

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