Sunday, February 3, 2013

This Week 2/4

Monday—Principals bring a picture of your inspiration for your character—it can be a picture of anything from a character in a movie (real people or animated), to an actor (as opposed to a character), to a stuffed animal you have, to a picture of a friend or relative. Anything that is inspiration for your character. Stay away from bringing in pictures from any movie or stage versions of the show itself, or pictures of the actors from the movie or show. This is outside inspiration. We’ll also be doing theater games and scene work. 

Tuesday – Full Cast music rehearsal and scene work for principals as needed or available. 

Wednesday*–Full Cast—Blocking and movement for “Trouble,” “Iowa Stubborn.” **Note: This may be canceled and changed to just principals again, depending on how the beginning of the week goes, but full cast should be completely available to come Wednesday

Thursday—Principals for scene work

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