Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Alumni Mass


Today was NOT a good turn out for rehearsal, and Mr. Zimmaro was a very unhappy camper. EVERYONE needs to be at rehearsal tomorrow (Thursday, 4/22 2:30-4:30) and EVERYONE needs to be at the Alumni Mass on Sunday morning 4/25 @ 8am for rehearsal, 9am for mass. You will be done around 10am & you'll have the rest of the day to do whatever, ie sleep. Mr. Zimmaro is "paying a lot for chorus" so he expects the same turn out as Ring Mass. You MUST be there, or we are putting our entire choral program in jeopardy.

Here are the songs for mass in case you missed today (which is most of you!):

Gathering: Sing of the Lord's Goodness - the entire freaking congregation is singing in this video, CRAZY! this is what i mean when i say sound british when you sing, kiddos:

Gloria: Mass of Light (we did this for Ring Mass so you all know it - cheesy cantor & bad brass, but -

Psalm: We are God's People - this is too slow & the cantor isn't too great, but

Celtic Alleluia (if you don't know this, your license to practice Catholicism will be revoked).

Gifts: Come Home - This recording is horribly out of tune, but you can at least get a rough idea:

Communion: You Are Mine (we have done this this year - i don't know why cantors can't sing on youtube, but & Bread of Life (this is at a wedding... again the soloist, not that great, but what are you gonna do?

Meditation: Look at the World (hahahahahahhahahahaha! lmbo (yes i sensored my own text speak) this is actually a pretty good recording, occasional intonation issues aside, but the napoleon dynamite-esque interpretive dance is HILarious!

Take it on Home Song: Joyful Joyful We Adore You (NOT the rad gospel version from sister act 2, sorry, and i can't find a recording that's not CRAP!)


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