Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Callbacks for Fall Showcase Postponed

Hey Play Folks! 

Callbacks have been postponed to next Tuesday 10/2.  People who are needed for callbacks will be contacted in the next couple of days.  Some people have already been cast and are not needed for callbacks - not getting a callback does not mean you have not been given a role in the showcase.

More details to come.  Please save the date!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Choir Poll & Info

Hey Singers!

I got most of your forms for choir, and we're going to start the official ball rolling next week.  Date and time are UP TO YOU!  Whatever works for the most people is what we'll go with, with apologies to anyone it doesn't work for - I hope that doesn't happen!

Please visit the poll at http://doodle.com/4v8yqbvdsptabsnr to participate - write your name and check off which days/times you can definitely do (yes), could maybe do - including if you would need to be late or leave early or might have transportation issues (if need be), or can't do at all (no).
  Feel free to leave a comment if you'd like to be more specific about any of your answers (especially the "if need be").

Also, we have another mass on Thursday 9/27 during school.  The music will be the same as we did for Freshman Communion Breakfast, so if you came to that or were in choir last year, you're welcome to sing (and get out of sitting with your homeroom!! bonus!!).  You must check in with your homeroom teacher for attendance before coming to the auditorium.

Also, I set up a cell phone text group via textmygroup.com - you can subscribe to text updates by either:

visiting http://www.textmygroup.com/join.php?groupname=ABWCHOIR 

OR texting ABWCHOIR to go@textmygroup.com

Thanks for singing and I'm really looking forward to starting our Christmas music with you all! :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

All Catholic Chorus Audition Info

Hello Singers!

All Catholic Chorus Auditions are fast approaching! 

Please download the following information sheets & music if you are interested in participating!

All Catholic Chorus Info Sheet

Handel: Let Their Celestial Concerts All Unite

Morley: Sing We and Chant It

I have to pay to register you, so this year I will be holding pre-auditions to make sure you are prepared and ready to go! :)  Info about that forthcoming.

Good luck!  Work hard!