Friday, July 13, 2012

Hey all! As promised, here is the link to the fall showcase audition information. *

*(In case of any confusion, this info is NOT for the Summer Theater Camp)

Monday, July 2, 2012

ABW Summer Theater Camp 2012

Hey gang! Check out our plans for ABW Theater Camp this Summer!

Introducing: Archbishop Wood Summer Theater Camp
August 13-17, 2012

Students will select a song at the top of the week which they will workshop and explore both musically and from an acting perspective for the length of camp. It is important that each student select a song that he/she already knows, as the goal of this camp is not to teach material, but to develop a character and refine technique. Students will expand their understanding of acting and vocal technique through games, individual and group coaching, lecture, multimedia, and Q&A. Students will need to bring a bag lunch daily. 

Steph and I can't wait to see you there!
