Thursday, March 22, 2012

Performing Arts Board Officers 2012-2013!

My Dearest Juniors, The time has come again for us so select Performing Arts Officers! In order to save trees, I am collecting officer applications electronically. Should you prefer to use paper, you may turn in your handwritten or typed application to me by Monday - turn it in to my folder at the activities office. Otherwise, please email your answers to the questions below to me at shall(at)archwood(dot)org AND to Mariel at mrosatiabw(at)gmail(dot)com. All applications must be received by Monday 4/2 at 7pm. Absolutely NO late applications will be considered. The available positions (with tentative duty descriptions) for application are: President - keeps rehearsal attendance records, cast/crew communications, membership records keeping, grade school recruitment, and all other duties requested by directors. Vice Presidents (2 will be chosen) - assist President and directors with duties as requested, assist with budget database maintenance. Public Relations (2 will be chosen) - direct advertising efforts, including poster hanging, outdoor sign painting, communication with grade schools and local parishes, communication with local radio/television, school tv announcements, and any other duties requested by directors/President. Secretary - assists with all communications to membership/parents, assists VPs with budget database maintenance, records any meeting minutes, any other duties requested by directors/President. Stage Manager - attends auditions and all rehearsals to assist directors, assists with attendance and record keeping, notates blocking and choreography direction, maintains list of set pieces/props/lighting/sound requirements, takes directors notes during all runs and dress rehearsals, works with Stage Crew Officers to maintain efficient communication between groups, any other duties as required by directors. Stage Manager is INELIGIBLE to audition for either production and will not be on stage for either show, no exceptions. Choir President - keeps choral rehearsal attendance records, membership communications and record keeping, grade school recruitment, advertising, performance coordination, fundraising assistance, and any other duties required by the director. Please answer the following questions via email or hard copy: 1. For what position on the Performing Arts Board do you wish to be considered? 2. Why should we select you for this position? 3. What qualities do you possess that will help you perform the duties required of this position? 4. What weaknesses will you have to overcome to serve in this position? 5. What changes would you like to see in the Performing Arts Program, and how would YOU help to implement them? 6. What makes someone a good leader? 7. What is your previous Performing Arts experience (both in school and outside)? 8. What other position(s) would you be willing to accept and why? 9. What position(s) would you be unwilling to accept and why?

Monday, March 5, 2012

Waiters - here is the link to the tracks I promised.  I used google sites instead of bandcamp so let me know if you have trouble:

Also, dress rehearsal tonight will be no hair/makeup.  I'd like to start earlier so we can potentially have an earlier night (I know if your parents have the ability to "like" this post they will ;) ).  You still need to wear your proper shoes, costumes, hats, etc. so plan accordingly.

See you tonight! :)