Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sheet Music for May Crowning

Magnificat - My Soul Rejoices (unison)

Hail Holy Queen (begin at measure 21 on page 4, sing to "To Coda" then skip to page 12)

May Crowning

Hey Guys,

We have to sing for the Marian Prayer Service/May Crowning tomorrow and a WHOLE LOT of you skipped practice. I really need you all to sing, so please check abwchoir.bandcamp.com for practice tracks (being uploaded as we speak!) so you're ready. I don't want it to stink.

Also, Mrs. Belz was so impressed with you all at the concert last night, she arranged for us to sing a few of our songs after the prayer service for the whole school! So we'll be singing Only Hope, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Can You Hear, Omnia Sol, Seasons of Love, and The Storm Is Passing Over, time permitting.

Yay us!