Sunday, September 20, 2009

Audition Schedule

All Auditions will be held on Thursday, Sept 24.
Please let me know if there is a problem with your scheduled time.

9:35 - K. Connison
9:40 - M. Palardy
9:45 - R. Barnes
10:00am - E. Euczakowsky
10:05 - L. Johnson
10:10 - O. Demkovitz
10:15 - J. Hanson
10:20 - M. Osborne
10:25 - B. Cotellese
10:45 - S. McKee
10:50 - L. McGrath
10:55 - J. Huang
11:00am - C. Kealey
11:40 - R. Campana
11:45 - J. Diamond
11:55 - H. Schoenleber
12:00pm - C. Quinn
12:25 - L. Bauer
12:30 - T. Cousart
12:35 - J. Lawler
12:40 - S. Nichols
1:20pm - M. McWade
1:25 - K. McCloskey
1:30 - S. Bauer
1:35 - M. Campana
1:40 - C. Jacob
1:50 - K. Smith
1:55 - J. Urban
2:00pm - D. Wise
2:05 - E. Bayer
2:10 - C. Benner
2:15 - B. Harris

Thank you for your patience!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Welcome Back!

Hey Everyone!

Welcome back to school!

As most of you (except the Freshman with no older siblings) know, I'm a spazz. So auditions are on hold while I finish my Philadelphia Orchestra concert next week.

I was inspired by Jess Urban, so I made a twitter account for choir -

Probably a good idea to follow it.

I will email/text everyone with official audition times as soon as I figure that out. In the meantime, thanks for your flexibility.

If you are singing for Communion Breakfast on Sunday 9/20, there is rehearsal Friday, 9/18 after school with Mr. Zimmaro until 315pm. Please arrive on Sunday @8am.

If you are singing for Back to School Mass on Wednesday during school, we will have ONE rehearsal on Tuesday 9/22 6-7pm. If you cannot attend this rehearsal, you cannot perform with us at mass. Mass is during school on Wednesday 9/23 @8am. Please go to homeroom, check in, and come right down to the auditorium.

I will not be at either event. I have a church job on Sunday morning, and a Philly Orchestra concert rehearsal on Wednesday. Mr. Z will be running both events.

Please let me know if you have questions. I will be back at school on Tuesday evening at 6pm.

Thanks for paying attention! Stay tuned here & on Twitter for more updates!
